Page:An English Garner Ingatherings from Our History and Literature (Volume 1 1877).pdf/648

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Certain Verses written by a friend in commendation of the Author, RICHARD PEEKE.

<poem> Seldom do clouds so dim the day, But SOL will once his beams display; Though NEPTUNE drives the surging seas, Sometimes he gives them quiet ease:

 And so few projects speed so ill,
 But somewhat chanceth at our will.

I will not instance in the great, Placed in Honour's higher seat; Though virtue in a noble line Commends it, and the more doth shine.

 Yet this is proved by sword and pen.
 Desert oft dwells in private men.

My proof is not far hence to seek; There is at hand brave RICHARD PEEKE, Whose worth his foes cannot revoke: Born in the town of Tavistock

 In Devon; where MINERVA sits
 Shaping stout hearts, and pregnant wits.

This well-resolved and hardy spark Aiming at fame, as at a mark; Was not compelled against his will, In MARS his field to try his skill:

 As voluntary he did go
 To serve his King against his foe.
  • <poem>