Page:An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding - Hume (1748).djvu/81

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Sceptical Solution of these Doubts.


The Passion for Philosophy, like that for Religion, seems liable to this Inconvenience, that, tho' it aims at the Correction of our Manners and Extirpation of our Vices, it may only serve, by imprudent Management, to foster a predominant Inclination, and push the Mind, with more determin'd Resolution, towards that Side, which already draws too much, by the Byass and Propensity of the natural Temper. 'Tis certain, that, while we aspire to the magnanimous Firmness of the philosophic Sage, and endeavour to confine our Pleasures altogether within our own Minds, we may, at last, render our Philosophy, like that of Epictetus and other Stoics, only a more refin'd System of Selfishness, and reason ourselves out of all Virtue, as well as social Enjoyment. While we study with Attention the Vanity of human Life, andturn