Page:An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals - Hume (1751).djvu/175

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Of Qualities immediately agreeable to Others[1].

As the mutual Shocks, in Society, and the Oppositions of Interest and Self-love have constrain'd Mankind to establish the Laws of Justice; in order to preserve the Advantages of common Assistance and Protection: in like Manner, the eternal Contrarieties, in Company, of Men's Pride and Self-conceit have introduc'd the Rules of GOOD-MANNERS or POLITENESS, in order to facilitate the Intercourse of Minds, and an undisturb'd Commerce and Conversation. Amongst

  1. 'Tis the Definition of Virtue, that 'tis a Quality of the Mind agreeable to or approv'd of by every one, who considers or contemplates it. But some Qualities produce Pleasure, because they are useful to Society, or useful or agreeable to the Person himself; others produce it more immediately: Which is the Class of Virtues here consider'd.
