Page:An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals - Hume (1751).djvu/197

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Conclusion of the Whole.

yield the Dominion of our Breast to those social and public Principles.

Another Spring of our Constitution, that brings great Addition of Force to moral Sentiment, is, the Love of Fame; which rules, with such uncontrol'd Authority, in all generous Minds, and is often the grand Object of all their Designs and Undertakings. By our continual and earnest Pursuit of a Character, a Name, a Reputation in the World, we bring our own Deportment and Conduct frequently in Review, and consider how they appear in the Eyes of those, who approach and regard us. This constant Habit of surveying ourself, as it were, in Reflexion, keeps alive all the Sentiments of Right and Wrong, and begets, in noble Natures, a certain Reverence for themselves as well as others; which is the surest Guardian of every Virtue. The animal Conveniencies and Pleasures sink gradually in their Value; while every inward Beauty and moral Grace is studiously acquir'd, and the Mind is accomplish'd in each Perfection, that can adorn or embellish a rational Creature.

Here is the most perfect Morality we are acquainted with: Here is display'd the Force of many Sympathies. Our moral Sentiment is itself a Feeling chiefly of that Nature: And our Regard to a Cha-racter