Page:An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals - Hume (1751).djvu/203

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Conclusion of the Whole.

Train, they are rank'd, however, among the least favour'd of her Votaries.

And indeed, to drop all figurative Expression, what Hopes can we ever have of engaging Mankind to a Practice, which we confess full of Austerity and Rigour? Or what Morality can ever serve any useful Purpose, unless it can show, by a particular Detail, that all the Duties it recommends, are also the true Interest of each Individual? And the peculiar Advantage of the foregoing Theory, seems to be, that it furnishes proper Mediums for that Purpose.

That the Virtues, which are immediately useful or agreeable to the Person, possest of them, are desirable in a View to Self-interest, it would surely be superfluous to prove. Moralists, indeed, may spare themselves all the Pains they often take in recommending these Duties. To what Purpose collect Arguments to evince, that Temperance is advantageous, and the Excesses of Pleasure hurtful? When it appears, that these Excesses are only denominated such, because they are hurtful; and that, if the unlimited Use of strong Liquors, for Instance, no more impair'd Health or the Faculties of the Mind and Body than the Use of Air or Water, it would not be a whit more vicious or blameable.