Page:An Essay Concerning Parliaments.djvu/55

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more earneſtly to my Lord in that matter.

Likewiſe when Mr. Johnſton the preſent Secretary of State for Scotland, told me in the Court of Requeſts, that the Bill of Rights was going up to the Houſe of Lords, I wiſh’d at that Time that all the Rights were reduced to One Line which was our Right, To have a Parliament every Kalends of May. I tell theſe old Stories to ſhew that I was always of the ſame Mind, and that no Court neglects nor diſappointments have Altered me; and I will Love this Court whether they will or no, for I am ſure that I laid the Bridg that brought them over, and am pretty certain that they did not come hither in Virtue of Paſſive-Obedience.



P. 19. l. 6. delete The. P. 30. l. 11. for, the Year before, read, ſome few Years before.