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VIRGIL’s Æneid.

Then thro’ the Peers, with sparkling Nectar crown’d,
The Goblet circles, and the Health goes round.
With curling Tresses grac’d, and rich Attire,
Iopas stands, and sweeps his golden Lyre;1000
The Truths, which ancient Atlas taught, he sings,
And Nature’s Secrets, on the sounding Strings:
Why Cynthia changes; why the Sun retires,
Shorn of his radiant Beams, and genial Fires;
From what Originals, and Causes, came1005
Mankind and Beasts, the Rain, and rising Flame;
Arcturus, dreadful with his stormy Star;
The wat’ry Hyads, and the Northern Car;
Why Suns in Summer the slow Night detain,
And rush so swift in Winter to the Main.1010
With Shouts the Tyrians praise the Song divine,
And in the loud Applause the Trojans joyn.
The Queen, in various Talk, prolongs the Hours,
Drinks deep of Love, and ev’ry Word devours;
This Moment longs of Hector to enquire,1015
The next of Priam, his unhappy Sire;

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