Page:An Essay on the Antiquity of Hindoo Medicine.djvu/14

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Hippocrates subsequent to times when Grecian Philosophers travelled in Eastern Countries, 113. Greeks derived Arts and Sciences in the first instance from Egypt, 115. Egypt early a highly-civilized Country, 116.

Commercial Intercourse between Egypt and India, 1 1 7. Course of Ancient Commerce by the North with Caubul, Persia, and Babylon, and up the Euphrates, or across Arabia to Syria, Palestine, and Lower Egypt- Communications of Phoenicians and Arabs by Sea with India, 120.

Commercial Products obtained in N. India and Bactria, 123; Persia, 124; Babylon, 125; and Phoenician Colonies, 125.

Communication by the South, or by Egypt and Arabia, with India, 126. Products of Arabia, 1 27.

Products of Egypt, 128. Indian Products in Ancient Egypt, 1.30. Similarity between Indians and Ancient Egyptians in Arts, 130. Architecture, 131. Sciences, 132. Physiognomy, Dress. Manners, 133. Communication between Ancient Egypt and India, 134. Egyptian Chronology, 135.

India, Products of, 135. Agricultural, 136. Commercial, 137. Other Indian Products in Egypt, 137..

Antiquity of Indian Commerce proved by Indian Products mentioned in the Bible, 138.

Chronology of Indian Astronomy, and of some Literary Works, 148; also of Indian Medicine, 150.

Cultivation, in addition to Medicine, of other Sciences, of Literature, and of Philosophy by Hindoos, 150.

The Vedas, 154. Grammar, Lexicography, Puranas, Poetry, 156. Phi- losophy, 156. Logic, 158. Law, 158.

Hindoo Science, Mathematics, 159. Arithmetic, 160. Algebra, 161. Geometry, 163. Division of Circle and Trigonometry, 163. Astronomy, 165. Division of Time, 167. Days of the Week, Zodiacs, Settlement of Time, 169. Other Astronomical Determinations, 171. Dates of Hindoo Astronomers, 173. Mention of Greek by Hindoo Astronomers, 174.

Coincidences in Astronomy of Eastern Nations, 175. Absence of the same Sciences among the Hindoos as among the Ancient Greeks, 175. Hindoo Medicine and Materia Medica; Mineral. Vegetable, and Animal, 177. Fine Arts among Hindoos, 178. Useful Arts, 179.

Comparison of some points in the Science of the most ancient Grecian Philosophers, and what we now find contained in Sanscrit Books of great antiquity, 181. Probability of the former having acquired their knowledge in Eastern Countries, 187.

Hindoo Chronology, Literary, Scientific, and Political, 187.

Continuation of Lecture. Means and Mode of teaching, 192. Division of Course into two portions. 1. Natural and Historical Characters of articles of Materia Medica. 2. Physiological Action and Therapeutical Uses of Medicines, 194. Donation of a Collection of Materia Medica by the Society of Apothecaries, 195. Conclusion, 195.