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blofinnet, -finsket, adj., see finnet, finsket, adj.

bloga, blogda, blogga, sb., see blokk, blokka, sb.

blogaben [blog··aben·], sb., collar-bone of a halibut. U. (Un., Uw.). From this bone a number of smaller bones branch out along the gills, and when the fish opens its mouth these are spread out in fan-shape. O.N. blaka, f., large leaf, used as a fan; No. bloka, f., flake; slice, inter alia of the cartilaginous lamina of the ear; Fær. bløka [blø̄əka], f., wing of a bird, used for sweeping (differs from “bløðka, bløkka”, from *blaðka; see blokk, blokka). In Fær. “bløkubein” is found, partly in the same sense as Shetl. blogaben, partly (acc. to Svabo) in the sense of hip-bone.

blogaho, sb., see blaho.

blogg [blog, blȯg], adj., big and clumsy, a b. boy, a b. piece o’ wood. Sa. No. blokk- used as an intensive in compds.: “blokkstor”, enormously large; also in Sw. (dial.). Sw. dial. blokk (blok), n., a) bole of a tree; b) something exceptionally large.

blogummi [blogom·i, bᶅo-] and blugummi [blū·gom·i, bᶅū·-], sb., a species of wrasse (labrus) of a reddish-blue colour, = No. blaagume, m. Un. Cf. berggiltek, etc. and suter.

*bloho [blōhō], sb., a species of shark, either blue shark or = blaho, blogaho. Br.

*blohonnin [blohȯᶇ·ɩn (-hȯᶇən, -hȯᶇdin), bᶅo-], sb., sheep (lamb) having woolly hair growing out of the tip of its horn. Yh., Ys., Ai. Prob.: *biloðhyrningr (“*loðhyrningr” with the old prefix “bi”, round; about); O.N. loð, n., fleece; downy hair (as the first part in compds.); O.N. hyrningr, m., a horned person, animal or object.

bloit [blɔi‘t], vb., = gloit, vb.

blokk [blɔ‘k, blå‘k] and blokka [blɔka], sb., a large leaf, esp. leaf

of marsh-marigold or buttercup (ranunculus); also as a name for the plant itself. blokk (Du., Fo. occas.), blokka (Nm. occas.). With gg (g, gd) for kk: blogga [blɔga, bloga, blȯga] (Wests. occas., Nm. occas., N.I., etc.), blogg [blog] (Fo. occas.), bloga [blɔγa, blōga] (Conn.), blogda, blogdi [blɔgd-] (Ai.) for *blodga, *blodgi. Other and more corrupted forms are blodda [blȯda] and blobba [blȯba] (Y. occas.). — The Conn.-form “blōga” is reported with the translation “colt’s foot”. — *blaðka; Icel. blaðka, f., leaf of certain plants (B.H.); No. blokka, f., (small) leaf; Fær. bløðka [blö‘ka], f., large leaf, cabbage-leaf. In Icel. “hófbla(ð)ka” denotes marigold globe-flower, caltha palustris, = Shetl. blokk(a), blogga. In Fe. this plant is named “horse-høv [hå‘rs·hø̄v·]”; Shetl. høv, sb., hoof. In Conn. bloga-hay denotes hay from grass growing in swampy places (hay well mixed with leaves of marigold).

blonäild [blonäild· and -näᶅd·, bᶅo-] and blonäildet [blonäil·dət and -näᶅ·dət, bᶅo-], adj., musty, mildewed; mouldy, b. fish, flesh. N., Conn., etc. Denotes a somewhat damper mould than (blo-)finnet, finsket. *blá-næltr? näild(et) seems to be perf. part. from *næla, vb.; cf. No. næla (lt), Fær. naela (ld), to shoot forth with small sprouts; of grain; seed; hair, etc. Arises, in that case, from an orig. *neld in which e has changed to ä on account of the softening of the foll. consonant: näᶅd.

blont [blȯ‘ᶇt], sb., 1) a flash; gleam; gleam of light, = blind1, sb. 1, to which blont must be considered as a parallel form; der’r no [‘not’] a blont o’ light within de door (Yn.). 2) wink of sleep; doze; to tak’ a b.; he’s ta’en [‘taken’] him a b. U., Y. O.N. blundr, m., wink of sleep; doze. Cf. blind1, sb.

bloster [blostər, blɔstər, blɔustər,