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posed) to be caused by the fairies; wha’s [‘who has’] gi’en dee de f.? — For *feri? Is doubtless a deriv. of far3, sb. Note No. “ferd” in “yverferd”, f., epidemic.

firl, firel [fɩrəl], sb., a ridiculous new fashion in dress; a new f. on de hat. U. Prob. to be classed with No. firl, n., something crumpled. Infl. by Eng. furl, vb.?

firsmo [fərsmō·], sb., 1) contempt; outrage; neglect; to get a f. 2) a trifle; a small, trifling present; to get a mere f. Wests. N.I. O.N. fyrirsmán (forsmán; Icel.) and fyrirsmáning, f., contempt. See firsmo, vb.

firsmo [fərsmō·], vb., 1) to diminish or lessen; to represent one’s resources as being poorer than they are; to understate; complain without reason; Ai.; Y. firsmjo [fərsmjō·] a firsmjoin [fərsmjō·ɩn] body: Yb. 2) more comm.: to disregard; disdain; also to scorn; insult.O.N. fyrirsmá, vb., to despise. In Shetl. the word is preserved in its orig. meaning: to reduce; to lessen the value of a thing.

first [fə‘rst], adj. and adv., first, O.N. fyrstr and fyrst, is used occas. in sense of not until now, = Da. først nu, Fær. nú fyrsta; I’m f. come, I have just come (U.).

fis [fi̇̄s], vb., of fluid: to ooze; flow slowly (through narrow openings), to f. ut t’rough (Fe.). Doubtless also of air: to press through an opening, and in that case, the same word as O.N. físa, vb., to fizzle; puff.

*fisk1 [fɩsk], sb., fish. Fo. In Ai. a form, fusk [fosk], is preserved as a sea-term, tabu-name for fish. O.N. fiskr, m., fish. Cf. the compds. fiskafjel (-brod), sb., fiskali, adj.

fisk2 [fisk], sb., comm. in pl.: fisks, small, short, faded tufts, wisps of hair, esp. on an elderly person, fisks o’ hair. Fe., Nmw. Appears

to belong partly to Sw. dial. fjas, n., short, downy hairs, O.Da. fjæs, fjøs, føs — fibre, cf. Sw. (Da.) dial. fjässkad, adj., “furry”, “bushy”, of hair: S.Schonen (Ri. under fjas1), partly to O.N. fis- in fisbleikr, adj., pale, withered, No. and Sw. dial. bleikfis (blaik-, blek-), Da. dial. blegfis, a pale, gaunt, withered person. Cf. fisket, adj., and frisk, sb.

fiska [fɩska]-brod, sb., see fiskafjel, sb.

fiskafjel [fɩs··kafjēəl·] and fiskafel [fɩs··kafel·, -fəl·], sb., “fish-board”, partition in a boat to prevent the fish slipping from one hold to another. The “fish-boards” are placed under the so-called bekks (fastibekks, fastibands, hadibands, the cross-bars under the thwarts). fiskafjel: U. fiskafel: comm. *fiskafjǫl. See *fisk1, sb., and fjel, sb.

fiskali [fɩs··kali· (fəs··kali·)], adj., 1) a) suitable for fishing; f. bait, a good, large piece of bait, a f. bit o’ line, a f. ayre [‘oar’], a f. hook; hit ’s no f. de day, it is not a good day (the weather is unfavourable) to-day for fishing; b) lucky for fishing, e.g. observance of old customs, tabu-rules. 2) that becomes a fisherman, orderly, neat, tidy, a f. body [‘person’]. N.I. Occas. fistli [fɩstli (fəstli)] for *fiskli, a f. bait: Yb.O.N. fiskiligr, adj., fit for fishing. Cf. ufiskali (un-fiskali) and “*fiskarroe”.

“*fiskarroe”, adj., unlike or unbecoming a practical fisherman, = ufiskali. U.? Acc. to Edm. Not further corroborated.

fisket [fiskət], adj., out of order, tangled, of locks of hair; lass, dy hair is a’ [‘all’] f. Wh., Fe., Nmw. Deriv. of fisk2, sb. Cf. Sw. (Da.) dial. fjässkad, adj., “furry”, “bushy”, of hair: S.Sc. (Ri. under fjas1). fisket poss. for frisket? The meaning appears, in any case, to be infl.