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as in Shetl. No. kjevla, vb., to provide a kid with a bit.Cf. kepper, vb.

kevl, kevel2 [kevəl, kēvəl], vb., to execute work badly and awkwardly, to bungle, to k. wi’ a ting. On Wests. esp. with short e-sound: kevəl. — The word is most prob. No. keivla, vb., to bungle, = keiva. See, however, kav, vb., and note No. kavla, vb., to strive at something, = kava. — kefs, vb., from *kafsa, is found in a similar sense to kevl, vb.

kevlet [kevlət], adj., clumsy with one’s hands, awkward, bungling; a k. body. Sa. Prob. *keiflóttr; see kevl2, vb. — In a similar sense kefset, adj., from *kafsa.

kevlin [kevlɩn], sb., a badly tied knot. Yb. Is to be classed with kevl2, vb.

kibbek or kibek [kɩbək], sb., small tub, esp. for holding butter, buttermilk or sour milk; a k. o’ butter. Nmn. occas. (N.Roe). O.N. kippa, f., a basket; No. kipa, f., a) a basket (osier-basket); b) (square) tub.

kibi [kɩbi, kebi (kəbi), kiɩbi (kiebi), ᶄebi], adj., a) lively and alert, quick and clever. N.I., Nm. [kɩbi: U. occas., Ym., n., Nm. occas.]. b) vivacious; quick-witted. Un. [ᶄebi]. c) merry; in good spirits; delighted. Nm. occas. [kɩbi]. d) animated, making oneself amiable; coquettish. Wests. [kɩbi, kebi]. e) eager; greedy, very k. for onyting (Nm.); eager to execute something (esp. something that one is not concerned with); “du is k. at yon wark [‘that work’], but du wouldna dø [‘-not do’] what du was bidden to dø” (L.); Nm. occas. [kɩbi]. L. [kɩbi, kebi, ᶄebi]. f) smart and handy, mostly in a mischievous way. Yb., n. [kɩbi]; Un. occas. [ᶄebi]. g) cunning, tricky; difficult to govern or have anything to do with. N.I. occas., esp. Y. and Fe. [(kɩbi) kebi (kəbi); Y. and Fe. occas.]. h) flip-

pant; talkative; incapable of keeping secrets, and apt to exaggerate. Fe. [(kɩbi, kebi) kiɩbi, kiebi]. i) impertinent, meddling too much with other people’s business. Y. and Fe. occas. [kɩbi, kebi (kiɩbi, kiebi)]. — Common in the expr.: a k. body. — In a different sense the word is found in Ai. [kɩbi, kebi]: having a pleasing, fine appearance; well-shaped and sleek; a fine k.-lookin’ baess [‘beast’]. — No. kipen, adj., a) restless from merriment, frolicsome, wild (Aa.); b) proud (Aa.); c) carrying the head high; difficult to master; hard, obstinate (R.).

kidi [kɩdi, kedi], sb., a small lamb, reared at home, a k.-lamb (= kadi-lamb and ali-lamb). U. kidi [kɩdi, kedi, kədi] is more commonly used when calling a lamb or sheep: k., k.! k. ma [mā]! Sometimes also kida [(kɩda) keda] as a call for sheep. Un.O.N. kið, n., a kid. No. kidla, f., a kid, is also used as a call (“kille”). Sw. dial. kidde, m., a young goat. Icel. kið, n., and kiða, f., (a she kid). Shetl. (Un.) kida is really a fem. form: *kiða.

*kidn, Kidna, kidnet, see kinn, *Kinna, *kinnet.

kiga, kigga, sb., see kwiga, kwigga.

kigga-piltek, sb., see kegga-piltek.

kigl, sb. and vb., see kegl, sb. and vb.

kigr, kiger [ᶄɩgər) ᶄegər], sb., fits of foolish laughter. Wh., Sk. *kikr. See the foll. word.

kigr, kiger [(ᶄɩgər) ᶄegər], vb., to laugh foolishly and fitfully; a kig(e)rin laugh. Wh., Sk. *kikra. Cf. No. kikla, vb., to make short jerks and twists; also to laugh in a peculiar, fitful way, “kikkle og le” (“giggle and laugh”), Telemarken.

kik1 [kik], sb., 1) a peeping, peep.