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common designation for such clouds is “cats’-krammeks” (partly kattirams), literally “cats’-paws”, and “mares’-tails”.

kodd [kɔd (kåd)], sb., 1) a pillow, cushion. comm. From Wests. (Sa.) the older parallel forms koddi [kådi] and koddin [kådɩn] have been reported. 2) the fleece of a sheep; a new k. o’ oo’ [‘wool’] on a sheep. Fo. 3) kodds [kåds], pl., a piece of plaited straw through which goes the spindle of a spinning-wheel, de mukkel wheel. Wests. (Sa.). — O.N. koddi, m., a pillow. The senses 2 and 3 doubtless spring from a root-meaning cod, sheath. Cf. Sw. kudde, m., a) a pillow; b) a small bag or sack; c) (dial.) sheath, cod, capsule. — The form koddin contains the suffixed, definite article grafted on the word (O.N. koddinn).

kodd [kɔd, kåd, kȯd], vb., 1) vb. a., to make lumpy; de cairds (the wool-cards) only kodds de oo’ [‘wool’]. 2) vb. n., to become lumpy, esp. appl. to wool; de oo’ is koddin on de sheep, i’ de cairds. The word is to be classed with kodd, sb., a pillow.

koddi [kȯdi, kɔdi (kådi, kodi)], sb., 1) a small plaited basket, e.g. of straw or dried dock-stalks; esp. a) a basket for holding bait (limpets); a limpet-k.; b) a bee-hive-shaped straw-basket for holding salt, sauti-k.; a similar basket for spoons, spoon [spøn]- or spooni [spøni]-k.; also “spoona-k. [spøn··akɔd·i, -kåd·i]”: U. In Du. koddi [kȯdi] esp. denotes a small, round basket (made from dock-stalks) for gleaning potatoes in (in Du. is mostly used kubi and hovi in sense of basket for bait, limpets, and hovi, hobi or hobbi in sense of salt-basket). 2) a small bag for holding bait. Wests. (Sa.) [kȯdi]. A form

køddi [kødi] is reported from Sa. in sense of a small basket for bait. 3) = kodd, sb. 1; Sa. [kådi]. — Prop. the same word as the preceding, and denoting a bag, something bellied or baggy. See the etym. given under kodd, sb., and besides, cf. L.Sc. coodie, cudie, sb., a small tub, No. kudde, m., a nest, bird's-nest (containing a dozen eggs or more).

koddins [kɔdins], sb. pl., the foundation-stones of a chimney. Also koddings [kɔdɩŋs], U.

kodd-skew [kɔdskjū, -sᶄū], sb., a large, square stone, forming the upper corner of the main-wall and the gable-wall in a house, at the foot of “de wind-skew”. U.

koder, vb., see kjod, kjoder, vb.

koder [kōdər] and kodi [kōdi], adj., ingratiatingly kind, confidential. koder: Du. and Wests. occas. (Sa.). kodi: Wests. occas. See further kjod, kjoder, vb., kjoder(et), adj.

kodi (kodi-oil), sb., see gøti and kødi, sbs.

kodn, kodden, vb. and adj., see konn, vb. and adj.

kofl, kofel, sb. and vb., see kovl, kovel.

kog1 [kōg], vb., to peer, to look out cautiously. comm. In the same sense O.N. kaga, No. kaga and koga, vb.

kog2, kug [kŏg], vb., to swallow, to drink in large draughts; to k. aff o’ a can o’ bland (whey mixed with water). Y., Fe. Cf. Icel. koka and kykja, vb., to devour, and No. kjøkja, vb., to make efforts in swallowing something, from kok (Icel. kok, f. and n., No. kok, n.), the throat, O.N. kók, f.

kogabrøl [kɔg··abrø̄l·], vb., to howl; to mew loudly and continuously, applied to cats in pairing-time; de cat is kogabrølin. Conn. The first