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to cackle, almost assimilates in form to Shetl. korgl.

korhird, vb., see gordhird, vb.

kork, vb., see kørk, vb.

korka [kå‘rka] and †korkin [kå‘rkɩn], sb., oats. Fo. (korka) and Un., bu. (korkin). Used as a tabu-name, sea-term in U. korkakost, oaten bread (Fo.); see *kost1, sb.O.N. korki, m., oats, from Irish coirce, corca.

korkalit [kå‘r··kalɩt· (kɔ‘r··ka-)], sb., red dye (purple), produced from crab’s-eye lichen, korki, = Fær. korkalitur, No. korkelit, m. Fe. Otherwise more comm.: korkelit [kɔ‘r··kelɩt·, kå‘r··ke-] or korkilit [kɔ‘r··kɩlɩt·, kå‘r··kɩ-]. See below korki, sb.

korki [kɔ‘rki, kå‘rki], sb., crab’s-eye lichen, lichen tartarea. From this lichen is extracted a purple colour. comm. korki and korka [(kɔ‘rka) kå‘rka]: Fe. Fær. korki, No. (West Norw.) korke, m., id., from Gael. corcar. L.Sc. (obs.) corkes. Shetl. korki denotes also a red (purple) colour, prepared from crab’s-eye lichen.

korki [kɔ‘rki, kå‘rki]-ba’, sb., a round lump (ba’) of prepared korki, a lump of red (purple) dye,Fær. korkaleivur (O.N. hleifr, m., a round loaf).

korl, sb., see korr1, sb.

?kormoget [kərmō·gət], adj., having an impure, light grey colour, with a darker coloured belly, applied to animals; a k. sheep. Esh., Nmw. For gormoget? see gor, sb. Or a parallel form to kidmoget? see under kattmoget, adj.

kormollet [kȯrmoᶅ·ət, kȯrmȯᶅ·ət, kormȯᶅ·ət (kɔr-)], adj., 1) having a large, ugly mouth, esp. a) used by children and young persons of old women who are (were) harsh with them, and b) of cows; a k. coo. Sa. [kȯrmoᶅ·ət]. 2) ill-looking, having a disagreeable, repulsive ap-

pearance and a queer, ugly face; a k. body. U. [kȯrmȯᶅ·ət; Un.: kormȯᶅ·ət (kɔr-)]. Fo. [kȯrmȯᶅ·ət]. — The word may be an original *kýr-mýltr or -múlóttr, "having a mouth (muzzle) like a cow”. The first part of the compd., in this case, is gen. sing. (kýr) of O.N. kýr, f., a cow. For the second part mollet see grolmolet, and grølmølet, kattmollet, *trollmolet, adjs. — Different from the kormollet, treated here, is another kormollet [kȯrmȯᶅ·ət] = kormolget [kȯrmȯᶅ·gət], having a dirty face, soiled (Nm.; [kȯrmȯᶅ·gət]: N.Roe), which is a parallel form to gormolget, gormollet; see further under gormolg (gormoll), vb. In sense 2 (ugly and disagreeable in appearance), the two words are, however, merged together; likewise in sense c of the word gormollet (kor-), surly and peevish, which poss. is a kormollet, “cow-mouthed”, “ugly-mouthed”, repulsive.

korn, corn [kōrn, kōərn, kårn], sb., corn, still commonly used in a sense handed down from the old language: a morsel; grain; a tiny part of anything, a piri (little) corn, = O.N. korn, n. The older Norn-form of the word was *konn [kɔin, kɔᶇ, kȯᶇ]; see under *konnmerki, sb. Cf. forms as *honn- from O.N. horn, *bonn from O.N. barn.

corn-deld, -djeld, sb., see deld, (and skebb2), sb.

corn-gild [kōrn·gɩld· (-ꬶɩld·)], sb., payment, gild, for the damage done by one man’s sheep on another man’s corn. U. *korn-gild (gjald). See *gild, sb.

corn-skepp [kōrnskɛp, kōrnsᶄɛp, -skæp], sb., a large straw-basket for stamping corn in. See skepp2 (and skebb2), sb.

korp [kå‘rp], vb., to emit rattling sounds, to be dying. Fe. *korpa,