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kruka, vb., to crouch down as if going to sit on one’s hams. See krugg, sb., and cf. hug, vb.

krug2 [krūg], vb., used in fishermen’s tabu-lang. at sea: to sail, of a vessel; I saw a far (a boat) krugin. Uwg. Cf. O.N. “rísta krók”, of a ship on the sea: to cut a great curve (krókr, m., a corner, nook; a bending, winding).

kruget [krūgət], adj., crooked; bent; stooping, bent and k., k. fore ower. Wh.; Conn. May be partly O.N. krókóttr, adj., bent, crooked, partly a deriv. of *kruk or *krúk; cf. No. kruken, adj., bent down, crooked, and Fær. krýkin [kroi‘tᶊɩn], adj., bowed.

krugg [krug (krog)], sb., the uppermost curved part of an animal’s back; de k. o’ de grice; — a bent back; to set de k., to arch the back, appl. to an animal ready to charge and butt. Diverging: “to set de krøl”, to bend the back against bad weather or when rising from a recumbent posture. — Also kruggi or krugi [krugi (krogi), krūgi], and with long u: krug [krūg]. — [krug, krog]: Wests. (Sa.; Ai.). [krūg]: Conn. [krugi]: Lunn., etc. “krūgi” is reported from Sa. in the sense first given (de k. o’ de grice); elsewhere more commonly with short u [krugi]. A form krog [krȯg], occas. also grogg [grȯg], “to set de k. (g.)”, is reported from Du.No. krugg, m., a) the uppermost part of the back; b) raised, humped back, etc. The forms with long u [krūg, krūgi] may spring from an original *kruk (cf. No. kruk, m., a bent person, kruka, vb., to crouch down as if going to sit on one’s hams, and see Shetl. kruk2, sb.) or may have arisen by a later vowel-lengthening from “krugg”.

krugi1, sb., see krugg, sb.

krugi2 [krūgi], sb., worm used for bait (U.); see krøgi, sb.

kruk1 [kruk, krūk], sb., assimilates to O.N. krókr, m., and Eng. (and L.Sc.) crook, sb. The word is commonly used in a sense corresponding to Eng. curve, sb., a k. upo de band (the rib of a boat) (L.), de k. o’ de dyke (the fence) (U.). As a place-name, e.g. de Kruk o’ Haverswala (Kwarfe, S.Sh.), name of the bend of a stream. The special meanings of the word in Shetlandic are: 1) knee-timber in the stem of a boat (Fo.), = stamron. 2) as an ear-mark in sheep: an incision, or a piece cut out of a sheep’s ear; comm. In N.I. (U., Fe.) kruk is appl. to a slanting cut from the edge upwards in a sheep’s ear, opp. to fid(d)er, sb. 3) a nook, corner (Fo.). In this sense the word is found also in place-names. — Commonly pronounced [kruk] with short u; with long u [krūk] reported from Fo. in sense 3. — O.N. krókr, m., a bending, winding; a hook; a nook, corner; a narrowing. Cf. krug1, sb.

kruk2 [kruk], sb., the uppermost part of the back of a (slaughtered) animal. Fo. Prob. an original *kruk- (or *krúk-) = krugg, sb.; see further under that word, as well as kruget, adj.

krukben [krukben], sb., collarbone of a halibut,blogaben. S.Sh., Wests. Prop. hooked bone? Poss. a more recent word, the first part of which, kruk, in this case, denotes a pot-hook, L.Sc. crook, because the said bone was hung on the pot-hook over the fire after the fish had been eaten.

kruket, sb., see krug1 (and kruk), sb.

kruketi [kruk··əti·], adj., in definite form, crooked, bent, only handed down in the versified riddle about the meadow and the brook, the former