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Shetlandic Norn words found only in Icel.:

bolga, sb., inflammation, Icel. bólga, f.

bova, bovek, sb., box-bed, Icel. paufi, sb., out-of-the-way nook.

blura, sb., Icel. blórar, pl.

dien (dine-, däin, donek), sb., swamp, O.N. (Icel.) dýna.

lisker, sb., small cluster (corn-stalk), cf. Icel. lyskra, f.

Shetlandic Norn words or meanings found only in Fær.:

blogaben, sb. = Fær. bløkubein, n.

brill, sb., a buoy, cf. Fær. prilla, a leather-sack.

flingaso (*flignaso) = Fær. flidnasoð, water in which limpets have been scalded, from fliða, f., limpet. No. flida, f., flake, splinter. Cf. Shetl. fladrek, flodrek, limpet, which is the same word as No. fladra, f., a small splinter. flither (flidder), in N.Eng. dial. (Yorksh.) and in the Isle of Man, is used of limpets.

gjomek1, sb., the fill of two hands cupped together = Fær. keymur [*kaumr] and kjómur. gjomek is more regularly developed from kaumr than from kjómr, the latter of which would more correctly have given *kjum, *gjum, in Shetl.; au, ǫu, on the other hand, regularly give jo.

ilget, adj., mottled, of sheep = Fær. iglutur (iglóttur), adj., [*iglóttr, *yglóttr?].

Shetlandic words, especially corresponding to Sw. dialect words, or found only in Sw. dialects:

bends, sb. pl. = Sw. dial. bänne (bende), sb. (n.).

bladd, sb. = Sw. dial. bladda, f.

blaget2 (bleget), adj., prob. to be classed with Sw. dial. blaga, vb.

daddet, adj., faint; limp; tired, Sw. dial. datta, vb., to weary; exhaust.

dank(i), sb., hollow = Sw. dial. dank(e), m. (O.N. dǫkk, f., cf. Shetl. dekk, bottom of the sea).

dikel, sb. 3, thick mud, Sw. dial. dikkel, n., mud in a morass.

goni, gonni, sb., supernatural or infernal being (of elf or fairy origin) = Sw. dial. gonnar, gonnär, pl., trolls.

goit1, sb. (god2, vb.), soft, slimy mass = Sw. gytja, mire; mud (No. gota, melted mass, in Aa., but queried. In compds. halvgota).

Shetlandic words found only in Danish (a few also in Swedish).

bakk, sb., in sense of hill, hill-side, corresponding to Da. bakke. Otherwise brekk = No. brekka, while bakk more often denotes brink; edge; bank; steep coast.

brekk (brekks), sb., Un., corresponds to Germ. “brink”, in sense of a common.

ganfer2, sb., a ghost = Da. genfærd, Sw. genfärd.

gødin, sb. = Da. gødning (manure).