Page:An Exposition of the Old and New Testament (1828) vol 3.djvu/91

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which was literally fulfilled, Matth. xxvi. 67. How were they increased that troubled him!

5. That God, instead of delivering him out of their hands, as he hoped, delivered him into their hands; (v. 11.) He hath turned me over into the hands of the wicked. They could have had no power against him, if it had not been given them from above; he therefore looks beyond them to God, who gave them their commission, as David did when Shimei cursed him; but he thinks it strange, and almost thinks it hard, that those should have power against him, who were God's enemies as much as his. God sometimes makes use of wicked men as his sword to one another, (Ps. xvii. 13.) and his rod to his own children, Isa. x. 5. Herein also Job was a type of Christ, who was delivered into wicked hands, to be crucified and slain, by the determinate counsel and fore-knowledge of God, Acts ii. 23.

6. That God not only delivered him into the hands of the wicked, but took him into his own hands too, into which it is a fearful thing to fall; (v. 12.) "I was at ease, in the comfortable enjoyment of the gifts of God's bounty, not fretting and uneasy, as some are in the midst of their prosperity, who thereby provoke God to strip them; yet he has broken me asunder, put me upon the rack of pain, and torn me limb from limb." God, in afflicting him, had seemed, (1.) As if he were furious: though fury is not in God, he thought it was, when he took him by the neck, (as a strong man in a passion would take a child,) and shook him to pieces, triumphing in the irresistible power he had to do what he would with him. (2.) As if he were partial: "He has distinguished me from the rest of mankind by this hard usage of me; he has set me up for his mark, the butt at which he is pleased to let fly all his arrows: at me they are directed, and they come not by chance; against me they are levelled, as if I were the greatest sinner of all the men of the east, or were singled out to be made an example." When God set him up for a mark, his archers presently compassed him round. God has archers at command, who will be sure to hit the mark that he sets up. Whoever are our enemies, we must look upon them as God's archers, and see him directing the arrow. It is the Lord; let him do what seemeth him good. (3.) As if he were cruel, and his wrath as relentless as his power was resistless. As if he contrived to touch him in the tenderest part, cleaving his reins asunder with acute pains, perhaps they were nephritic pains, those of the stone, which lie in the region of the kidneys. As if he had no mercy in reserve for him, he does not spare, nor abate any thing ofthe extremity. And, as if he aimed at nothing but his death, and his death in the midst of the most grievous tortures, he pours out my gall upon the ground. As when men have taken a wild beast, and killed it, they open it, and pour out the gall with a loathing of it. He thought his blood was poured out, as if it were not only not precious, but nauseous. (4.) As if he were unreasonable and insatiable in his executions; (v. 14.) "He breaketh me with breach upon breach, follows me with one wound after another." So his troubles came at first; while one messenger of evil tidings was speaking, another came; and so it was still, new boils were rising everyday, so that he had no prospect of the end of his troubles. Thus he thought that God ran upon him like a giant, whom he could not possibly stand before or confront; as the giants of old ran down all their poor neighbours, and were too hard for them. Note, Even good men, when they are in great and extraordinary troubles, have much ado not to entertain hard thoughts of God.

7. That he had divested himself of all his honour, and all his comfort, in compliance with the afflicting providences that surrounded him. Some can lessen their own troubles by concealing them, holding their heads as high, and putting as good a face upon them, as ever; but Job could not do so; he received the impressions of them, and, as one truly penitent, and truly patient, he humbled himself under the mighty hand of God, v. 15, 16.   (1.) He now laid aside all his ornaments and soft clothing, consulted not either his ease or finery in his dress, but sewed sackcloth upon his skin; that clothing he thought good enough for such a defiled distempered body as he had. Silks upon sores, such sores, he thought, would be unsuitable, sackcloth would be more becoming. Those are fond indeed of gay clothing, that will not be weaned from it by sickness and old age, and, as Job was, (v. 8.) by wrinkles and leanness. He not only put on sackcloth, but sewed it on, as one that resolved to continue his humiliation as long as the affliction continued. (2.) He insisted not upon any points of honour, but humbled himself under humbling providences; he defiled his horn in the dust, and refused the respect that used to be paid to his dignity, power, and eminency. Note, When God brings down our condition, that should bring down our spirits. Better lay the horn in the dust, than lift it up in contradiction to the designs of Providence, and have it broken at last. Eliphaz had represented Job as high and haughty, and unhumbled under his affliction; "No," says Job, "I know better things; the dust is now the fittest place for me." (3.) He banished mirth as utterly unseasonable, and set himself to sow in tears; (v. 16.) "My face is foul with weeping so constantly for my sins, for God's displeasure against me, and for my friends' unkindness; this has brought a shadow of death upon my eye-lids." He had not only wept away all his beauty, but almost wept his eyes out. In this also, he was a type of Christ, who was a man of sorrows, and much in tears, and pronounced those blessed that mourn, for they shall be comforted.

17. Not for any injustice in my hands: also my prayer is pure. 18. O earth, cover not thou my blood, and let my cry have no place. 19. Also now, behold, my witness is in heaven, and my record is on high. 20. My friends scorn me; but mine eye poureth out tears unto God. 21. Oh that one might plead for a man with God, as a man pleadeth for his neighbour! 22. When a few years are come, then I shall go the way whence I shall not return.

Job's condition was very deplorable; but had he nothing to support him, nothing to comfort him? Yes, and he here tells us what it was.

I. He had the testimony of his conscience for him, that he had walked uprightly, and had never allowed himself in any gross sin. None was ever more ready than he to acknowledge his sins of infirmity; but, upon search, he could not charge himself with any enormous crime, for which he should be made more miserable than other men, v. 17. He had kept a conscience void of offence, 1. Toward men. "Not for any injustice in my hands, any wealth that I have unjustly got or kept." Eliphaz had represented him as a tyrant and an oppressor; "No," says he, "I never did any wrong to any man, but always despised the gain of oppression." 2. Toward God. Also my prayer is pure; but prayer cannot be pure, as long as there is injustice in our hands, Isa. i. 15. Eliphaz had charged him with hypocrisy in reli-