Page:An Historical Essay on the Livery Companies of London.djvu/81

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The Cutlers' Company.
for the time being or so many of them as shall be there present shall by majority of voices upon the question put or by their marks with a pen upon paperMode of Election.where their names are set elect and chuse one of those two or three persons so presented in writing to be Master of the said Company of Cutlers for one whole year from thence next following and until another be elected chosen and sworn into the said Office of Master. And for more orderly proceeding the youngest Liveryman then present is to give the first voice or mark or score with a pen for such of the persons in competition as himself best liketh and so ascending orderly to every other Liveryman Assistant Warden and Master until every one hath given his voice or mark. And in case it shall happen that the voices or marks so given or made shall be found to be even in number that is to say one not exceeding the other that then the present Master shall have a double voice or mark for the final determination of the election of the new Master which person Oath day first Thursday after Midsummer Day or within 7 days (now Wednesday)so elected and chosen shall upon the first Thursday after Midsummer Day then next following or within seven days of the same take the Oath of Master hereafter in these presents mentioned and shall rule and govern as Master of the said Company of Cutlers for one whole year and until another Master be in like manner elected chosen and sworn into the said Office. And if any person so elected and chosen Master of the said Company shall refuse or delay to hold and execute the said place of Master of the said Company and shall refuse or delay to take the oath for that purpose hereafter in these presents expressed and ordained and shall have no reasonable or just let or impediment that may hinder him so to do. That then the said person so refusing or delaying shall forfeit and pay to the thenFine on refusal to serve.Master Wardens and Commonalty the sum of Twenty pounds of lawful money of England to be employed to and for the use of the said Company and to be