Page:An Historical Essay on the Livery Companies of London.djvu/85

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The Cutlers' Company.

Assistants by the said Master Wardens and Assistants or the greater number of them as is before mentioned.

Assistants to be chosen.ALSO IT IS ORDAINED that the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Company of Cutlers for the time being or the greater number of them shall and may from time to time hereafter elect and make choice of such of the most able and sufficient persons of the said Company as they or the greater number of them shall think fit to be Assistants to the said Master and Wardens and of the Common Counsel of the said Company and that every person and persons so chosen as aforesaid shall before he or they take upon him or them such office or place of an Assistant or sit in any Court of Assistants take his and their several corporal Oaths before the said Master Wardens and Assistants for the time being or the greater number of them to be administered by the Clerk of the said Company for the time being according to the form hereafter in these presents for that purpose expressed and that every person so chosen to be an Assistant after his being sworn shall pay the usual and accustomary sum of Five pounds for the use of the Company and also the usual fees to the Clerk and Beadle of the said Company for their attendance and if any person or persons so chosen and elected Assistants to the said Master and Wardens shall refuse and delay to hold and execute the said place of an Assistant or shall refuse or delay to take the oath for that purpose hereafter in these presents expressed and ordained and shall have no reasonable or just let or impediment that may hinder him so to do. Fine.That then the said person so refusing or delaying shall forfeit and pay to the then Master Wardens and Commonalty the sum of Five pounds of lawful English money to be employed to and for the use of the said Company and to be levied and recovered as is hereinafter mentioned. And the Master Wardens and Assistants for the time being forthwith shall and may