Page:An Historical Sketch of the Native States of India.djvu/30

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Judging from the increasing numbers of thoughtful minds who now-a—days devote themselves to the consideration of these important questions, the subject will, it is certain, sooner or later attract earnest attention, and he treated in a manner which its importance demands. Meanwhile it is possible that the task may be facilitated by a sketch giving an insight into the past career and history of the Native States. That career, it must be owned, displays little of the action of the people, but, like the history of all Governments of the past, consists simply in the wars, the exploits, and the successions of their rulers. But the story is by no means wanting in events of interest, or in indications of life and Vitality cal— culated in many instances to excite the pride of the rulers and the ruled of these States in their past. And pride in the past, I need hardly say, affords the best guarantee for development and improvement in the future.