to revive the hopes and stimulate the efforts to obtain a similar recovery in the present age; for, unfortunately, the course of prosperity was not progressive, and therefore an attention to the latter part of the history would not suit the reviewer's purpose, and, of course, was neglected. At the beginning of the year 1839, hopes were so ardent on the subject, that the two Papal Annuals in this country had, both, given prepossessing likenesses of the Prussian Becket, the second hope of the Romish world; and one of them gave a biography very cheering; the other, either prudently or fortunately, kept back its biograplıy to another year: and in the beginning of the year 1840, the editors of the two annuals, supposing it more consonant to the appearance of Catholic unity, to coni pose their former apparent rivalry, joined hands, and the circumstance afforded an honourable pretence for neglected performance of a promise. Late events explain all. There is subjoined to the second Decretum condemnatory of Hermes, and the works of other authors, a Monitum which will engage particular notice. But we will first despatch an article or two, that we may have uninterrupted freedom to attend to it. In a Decree of Sep-