intelligent persons who had viewed and examined the supposed originals, that every date affixed to these papers, and almost every fact mentioned in them, were alike inconsistent with the history of the time and with all the ancient documents of which I was possessed. These extraordinary manuscripts are at length given to the publick, by whose judgment their authenticity or spuriousness will, if I mistake not, be very speedily ascertained.
It is not at all to be wondered at, that the possessor and discoverer of these curiosities should set a very high value upon them, and thinking them to be genuine ancient manuscripts, should publish them in a splendid form: those persons also who are convinced of their authenticity, have a perfect right to adorn the shelves of their libraries with what they think a valuable treasure: but in this free country every intelligent reader claims a right to judge for himself, uninfluenced by any authority but that of right reason, and the best information he can procure; and by the judgment of the intelligent part of the publick must the fate of these papers be finally decided. To aid those in