“Hereafter be schewyd, the Frutes of Jus Regale, and the Frutes of Jus Politicum & Regale.
“And hou so be it, that the French Kyng reynith upon his people Dominio Regali, yet Saynt Lewes sumtyme Kyng ther, ne any of his progenytors set never talys or other impositions upon the people of that lond, without the assent of the three astatts, which, whan thay be assemblid, ar like to the court of parlement in England. And this order kept many of his successours until late days, that Englishmen made such a war in Fraunce, that the three estats durst not come to geders. And than for that cause and for grete necessite which the French Kyng had of goods, for the defence of that lond, he took upon hym to set talys and other impositions upon the commons, without the assent of the three estats; but yet he would not set any such chargs, nor hath set upon the Nobles, for feare of rebellion. And because the Commons, though they have grutchid, have not rebellid or be hardy to rebell, the French Kyngs have yearly sythen sett such chargs upon them, and so augmented the same chargis, as the same Commons be so