Page:An Introduction to the Grammar of Tibetan Language with the texts of Situhi-Sum-rTags, Dag-je Sal-wai Me-long and Situhi Shal-lun.djvu/11

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                      The Honourable W. W. Rockhill, 
                   Author of " The Land of Lamas " &c., 

(Formerly American Ambassador at Peking, Athens, St. Petersburgh

                      and Constantinople, &c.) 
                      As A Token of High Esteem. 


     April, 1914. 
            SARAT CHANDRA DAS. 

^•2q^'g'Jia^-^3^'q'^'C^q|3^| * «ff|2;'^q'g'^ro'ZT[|5J'3'qa;f qi^i^CSjIqi'qy^'Si^l'^q'q'JIEq I |'5J'^^$l'^:rj§I'q|^'q^':i]i^5j | f

• ^-q^-jsiS The Pacifio Ocean. t ^'^ Chinese name of America. + i^l«« and 1=. are equivalents of Mr. S el'lc'i Tibetan name for Peking.

  • ^'^'^ Chinese name for the American Legation at Peking.

t A Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet. t Remembering kindness. § As a token of the fulness of heart.