Page:An Introduction to the Grammar of Tibetan Language with the texts of Situhi-Sum-rTags, Dag-je Sal-wai Me-long and Situhi Shal-lun.djvu/17

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Preface I Author's Introductiou to Situ-Sum-Tag III-IV Sum-chu-pa IV Tag-jug-pa V Hints on the use of certain Diacritical marks called ■'l^ VIII Some Hints to Readers X Indian Cycle of 60 years as Tibetanized XI Chinese Cycle of 60 years XIII Symbolic names for certain numbers XVI Method of Transliteration of Tibetan into English XIX Conventional method of representing Tibetan and Sanskrit letters XXI On the use of honorific terms and expressions XXI Introduction to the Grammar of the Tibetan Language (Orthography) 1-10 Pronunciation (Orthœpy) 11-13

  • ^ ^S 13

On the use of the g*^ (additive particles) (see the corrigenda) 15 SJ^'^I'd (Reduplication of terminal letters) 16 Article and Noun (Etymology) 17 Plural number sSSq] 18 Gender 19 Case 20 Pronoun 25 Declension of Personal Pronouns, &c. 26 Adjective 30 Numeral Adjectives 32 Verb 36 Conjugation 46 Participles 49 Adverbs 51