Page:An Introduction to the Survey of Western Palestine.djvu/13

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The Plains of Galilee 121
The Maritime Plain of Tyre. Ras el Abyad to Kas en Nakura. The Maritime Plain of Acre and the Plain of Megiddo. Intermediate Range of Hills. The Plain of Rameh. The Plain of 'Arrâbeh. The Plain of Buttauf. The Plain of Toran. General view of the Plains of Acre and Megiddo. Six great arms. (1) The Plain of Acre. (2) W. Halzun, and the plains of Rameh and 'Arrâbeh. (3) The plains of Buttauf, Toran, and Seffurieh. (4) Between Mt. Tabor and Jebel Duhy. (5) Nahr Jalûd, or the Valley of Jezreel. (6) Between Mt. Gilboa and Mt. Ephraim. The Central Plain. Roads.
The Maritime Plains, South of Carmel 131
(1) The Plain of Tantura. (2) The Plain of Sharon. Forest of Oaks. Falik Hills. Dhahr Selmeh Hills. Ramleh Hills. Three divisions of the plain of Sharon. (3) The Plains of 'Arrâbeh or Dothan. (4) The Plains of Mukhnah, Rujib, 'Askar, and Salim. (5) The Plain of Philistia. Line of highland prolonged. Plains at Akir and 'Arâk. Intermediate hills and hollow. Plain of Akir or Ekron, and plains west of Jerusalem. Plain of Yebnah (Jabneel). Sandy downs. Plain of 'Arâk el Menshiyeh, and Heights of Hebron. Ashdod. Advance of Hills towards the coast. The Sukereir Range. The Keratiya or Bureir Valley. Askelon. Site of the Port of Askelon. The guardianship of the Five Cities, and the site of Gath.
2. The Plains, Lowlands, and Lakes of the Jordan Slope.
The Plain of Merj 'Ayun 143
Ijon. Ain Derderah. Nahr Bareighit. Deadly Form. Altitude. Relation to the Kasmîyeh or Litany River and the River Jordan.
The Huleh Plain, Marsh, and Lake 144
Total dimensions. Four divisions. (1) Huleh Plain. Surrounding heights. (2) Huleh Marsh. Dr. Tristram's notes. Mr. J. Macgregor's boat survey. Channels. Dangers. (3) Huleh Lake. Form and extent. Altitude. Soundings. (4) Ard el Kheit.
The Galilean Gorge 147
Fall of the Jordan. Bridge of Jacob's Daughters. Western affluents. Eastern end of the Southern Range of Lower Galilee. Its relation to the depression of the Jordan.