Page:An Introduction to the Survey of Western Palestine.djvu/71

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Domeh, to a point about one mile north of edh Dhaheriyeh ; whence it proceeds westward to Sheik abu Kharrubeh (alt. 2,070 feet), then south-west to Eas en Nukb (alt. 2,023 feet), and on to Tell Khuweilfeh, the southernmost point of the basin.

Here the waterparting strikes north-westward by the track of Kanan es Seru to Kh. Umm Ameidat (alt. 560 feet), and Tell Abu Dilakh (alt. 470 feet) ; still continuing along the Kanan es Sera to the heights of Saleh Burber ; whence the waterparting strikes southward to Kh. Zuheilikah (alt. 450 feet) and Kh. el Jindy ; then north-west to Kh. Hurab Diab (alt. 490 feet) ; and westward, near Khurbet Sihan and Kh. Mansurah to the gardens of Gaza, and to the sea.

From Tell Khuweilfeh westward, the waterparting divides the affluents of Wady el Hesy from the Wady esh Shertah, which runs to Wady Ghuzzeh, and forms the northern boundary of the pastoral nomadic tribes of the 'Azazimeh and the Teiaha. West of the 'Az^zimeh are the Terabin, whose territory reaches from Gaza to Suez.

The Watercourses of the Basin of Wady el Hesy.

The main channel has its origin at the north-eastern extremity of the basin. Six wadys rise along the eastern waterparting between Eas Biain (alt. 2,950 feet) and Eas Sirreh (alt. 2,061 feet). These unite at different points on the east of Kh. 'Aitun, and flow north-westward, receiving an affluent from Beit Auwa (alt. 1,495 feet) on the northern edge of the basin. The next of importance falls in on the left bank, from a wady which has its sources along the eastern waterparting, between Eas Sirreh and Sheikh abu Kharrubeh (alt. 2,070 feet). The main channel hugs the northern edge of the basin, and has only short tributaries on that side, till it reaches the plain at Simsim (alt. 219 feet), where an out- fall takes place from Umm Lakis (Lachish), el Huleikat, and Bureir.

At L>eir Sineid, a longer branch falls in, which rises at

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