Page:An Irish-English dictionary, being a thesaurus of words, phrases and idioms of the modern Irish language, with explanations in English.djvu/24

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ċasaḋ liom, to taunt me with something mean (pron. in M., asṁuċán and asaċán).

Aċṁusánaċ, -aiġe, a., censorious, abusive, reproachful.

Aċṁusánaim, -aḋ, v. tr., I abuse, censure, rebuke.

Aċṁusánuiḋe, g. id., m., a censor.

Aco. See aca.

Acra, g. id., pl. -iḋe, m., an acre.

Acra, g. id., m., use, service, a tool or useful instrument, the use or loan of a thing, profit; also civility, an obligation received or conferred; ball acra, a useful implement (M.).

Acraċ, -aiġe, a., convenient, useful, obliging, civil; also acaraċ.

Acraċ, hungry. See ocraċ.

Aċrann, g., -ainn (pron. aċarann) entanglement, contention, strife, a knot, an encumbrance, hence furniture, baggage; i n-a., at cross purposes; i n-a. i n-a ċéile, at strife with one another; i n-a. ’sna bliaḋantaiḃ, advanced in years (also written eaċrann, which see).

Aċrannaċ, -aiġe, a., knotty, entangled, quarrelsome. See eaċrannaċ.

Aċrannaim, -aḋ, v. tr., I entangle.

Acsaḋs, indec. m., excise.

Aċt, conj., but; prep., but, except, with accus.; before go or verbal noun locution, provided that; aċt muna, unless; aċt aṁáin, except, save only; aċt gan, provided that not; gan aċt, with only, having only; in archaic usage, aċt ċeana, however; aċt gé, even though (comp. with áṁ, áṁaċ); generally or exclusively pron. .

Aċt, -a, pl. aċtanna, m., a law, an act, a contract or convention; a term or condition; ar na haċtaiḃ sin, on these terms or conditions; ar aċt, striving to (U.)

Aċtaċ, -aiġe, a., pertaining to law, deeds, etc.

Aċtaim, -aḋ, v. tr., I enact, I impose a condition, I make terms.

Aċtbeag (aċt beag), conj., almost, but, except.

Aċtċeana (aċt ċeana), conj., however.

Action (aicsion), g. id., m., action, a great feat (A.); ċum action do ḋéanaṁ, to do a great deed.

Aċtra, see eaċtra.

Aċtrann, aċtrannaċ. See eaċtrann, eaċtrannaċ.

Aċtuġaḋ, -uiġṫe, m., act of ordaining, decreeing (also aċtaḋ).

Aċtuiġim, -uġaḋ, v. tr., I enact, decree, ordain.

Ad = id, in thy; before verbal nouns = dod or agad (ag do), as ad ṁolaḋ = dod ṁolaḋ or agad ṁolaḋ (ag do ṁolaḋ), praising thee.

Ad, Mid. Ir. conjunctive prefix, sometimes used for do as an integral prefix of certain verbs, as ad-ḃeirim for do-ḃeirim, ad-ċluinim for do-ċluinim, ad-ċí for do-ċí.

Áḋ, áġ; g., áiḋ, áḋa, or áiġ, áġa, m., luck, fate; gs., áiḋ, áiġ, often as a, as gráin áiġ, a fateful hate.

Aḋ-, aiḋ-, an intensitive prefix, as aḋuaṫṁar, very terrible; aḋṁolaim, I extol; aiḋṁillim, I destroy utterly.

Aḋaircín, g. id., pl. -iḋe, m., a little horn or point; a lapwing.

Aḋal, -ail, pl. id., m., a fleshhook.

Aḋall, -aill, m., sin, corruption, adultery, concupiscence; heat in some animals, especially dogs; cf., tá an gaḋar fá aḋall.

Aḋaltán, -áin, pl. id., m., a deaf person; a dolt.

Aḋaltraiḋeaċt, -a, f., adultery.

Aḋaltrannaċ, -aiġ, -aiġe, m., an adulterer.

Aḋaltrannas, -ais, m., adultery.

Aḋaltruiḋe, g. id., pl. -ḋṫe, m., an adulterer.

Áḋaṁ, g. Áḋaiṁ, Áḋṁa, Adam; often Ádam, -aim.