Page:An Ode to the Right Honourable the Earl of Huntingdon - Akenside (1748).djvu/14

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Dare to the Muse's Ear aspire;
Save while, instructed by the Græcian Lyre,
With Freedom's native Notes their shameful Task they hide.

III. 2.

Mark, how the dread Pantheon stands,

Amid the Domes of modern Hands!
Amid the Toys of idle State,
How simply, how severely great!
Then pause; and, while each western Clime
Presents her tuneful Sons to Time,
Cry, Hail, on Milton's Name;
And add, "Thus differs from the Throng
The Spirit which informed thy awful Song,
Which bade thy potent Voice protect thy Country's Fame."

III. 3.