Page:An Oration Delivered April 2d, 1771.djvu/3

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At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, in Town Meeting assembled, by Adjournment, on Tuesday the 2d Day of April, A.D. 1771.

Voted Unanimously,

That the Hon. Thomas Cushing, Esq; Moderator, the Hon. John Hancock, Esq; Mr. Samuel Adams, Samuel Pemberton, Esq; Dr. Benjamin Church, Richard Dana, Esq; and Mr. Henderson Inches, be and hereby are appointed a Committee to return the Thanks of this Town to Mr. James Lovell, for the Oration delivered by him at their Request, in Commemoration of the horrid Massacre perpetrated on the Evening of the 5th of March 1770—By a Party of Soldiers of the 29th Regiment; and to desire a Copy thereof for the Press.


William Cooper, Town-Clerk.


I Consent to sacrifice my Composition to Ridicule, in strong hope that the Argument, which I am sure is well grounded, will be prosecuted by some Patron or Friend to our Cause of more leisure and abilities than

your obliged humble Servant,

James Lovell.