Page:An Ordinance (League and Covenant) - 1643.djvu/1

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The Lords and Commons aſſembled

in Parliament;

For the taking of the
Leagve and Covenant
in the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales.

An Exhortation

For the taking of the Covenant; And for ſatisfying ſuch
Scruples as may ariſe thereupon.

Together with the League and Covenant,
Subſcribed with the Names of ſo many of the Mem-
bers of the Houſe of Commons as have taken it.

All which are to be read in all Churches and
Chappels within the Kingdom of Eng-
land, and Dominion of Wales.

5. Feb. 1643.

Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that the Ordinance, with Inſtructions for the taking of the League and Covenant, together with the Exhortation and the League and Covenant, be forthwith printed and publiſhed:

H. Elſynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

Printed for E. Husbands, and are to be ſold at his ſhop in the Middle-Temple.