Page:An Ordinance (League and Covenant) - 1643.djvu/10

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calling to minde the treacherous and bloody plots, Conſpiracies, Attempts, and practices of the Enemies of God, againſt the true religion, and profeſſors thereof in all places, eſpecially in theſe three Kingdoms ever ſince the reformation of religion, and how much their rage, power and preſumption, are of late, and at this time increaſed and exerciſed; whereof the deplorable eſtate of the Church and Kingdom of Ireland, the diſtreſſed eſtate of the Church & Kingdom of England, and the dangerous eſtate of the Church and Kingdom of Scotland, are preſent and publike Teſtimonies; We have now at laſt, (after other meanes of Supplication, Remonſtrance, Proteſtations, and Sufferings) for the preſervation of our ſelves and our religion, from utter ruine and Deſtruction, according to the commendable practice of theſe Kingdoms in former times, and the Example of Gods people in other Nations; after mature deliberation, reſolved and determined to enter into a mutuall and ſolemne League and Covenant, wherein we all ſubſcribe, and each one of us for himſelf, with out hands lifted up to the most high God, do ſwear:


That we ſhall ſincerely, really and conſtantly, through the Grace of God, endeavour in our ſeverall places and callings, the preſervation of the Reformed Religion in the Church of Scotland, in doctrine, Worſhip, Diſci-
