Page:An Ordinance (League and Covenant) - 1643.djvu/18

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  • John Rolle
  • Robert Jennor
  • John Waddon
  • William Maſham
  • John Liſle
  • Edmund Fowell
  • Edward Aſhe
  • Thomas Pury
  • Richard Whithead
  • Richard Jenyns
  • Humphrey Tufton
  • Thomas Dacres
  • Thomas Erle
  • John Downes
  • John Goodwyn
  • Francis Drake
  • William Waller
  • Samuel Luke
  • Francis Buller
  • Richard Harman
  • George Buller
  • Arthur Onſlowe
  • Richard Wynwood
  • Robert Pye
  • Hen. L: Grey of Ruthin
  • Richard Knightley
  • John Pym
  • Chriſtopher Yelverton
  • Anthony Nicoll
  • Peter Wroth
  • Robert Reynolds
  • Nathaniel Barnardiſton
  • Henry Heyman
  • William Purefoy
