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"It seems to me a proof of the fact that he has great strength of conviction." This remark came from me.

My brother-in-law turned towards me and said,

"You are right, it shows his sincerity. I like him the better for his outspoken foolish enthusiasm."

"The man has a warm heart," said my sister.

"Yes, and the manners of a perfect gentleman," replied her husband. Then as if a new idea took hold of him suddenly he exclaimed,

"How would you like to see him married to Moni?"

"He is already engaged," replied my sister.

"Good Gods, who has told you that? I thought he was rather—aw—well, never mind what I thought. But who told you that he is engaged?"

"Chanchal's mother told me."

"Who has tackled him so soon? The report may after all be mere gossip."

"No," replied my sister. "It does not seem to be that. She heard it from the doctor's mother, but who the chosen lady