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and I could falter only a few words in reply.

"You here? How did you come?" He seemed surprised. "Did you not know I would come? I wrote to Mr. Mazumdar (my father) that I would be here to-day."

My father was not in the habit of communicating all his affairs to me. I therefore replied, "No, I had not heard of it. You have perhaps come here in connection with a case."

He remained silent for a while, then said:

"I have come here expressly to see you. I had no other object in coming."

This was a great surprise to me, he had come expressly to see me! On the impulse of the moment I cried out:

"That is really extraordinary; you did not seem so eager to see me in Calcutta."

He smiled and fixed his clear, full gaze upon me.

"I see I made one of my many mistakes in acting as I did, but did you not understand me? Did you not feel why it was I came so seldom?"

"How could I understand?"

He adjusted his eyeglasses, he was evi-