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"But you, doctor, how could you?"

"Doctor again?—I will not listen."

"But how could you, Chotu, cause me so much pain? When you understood from my remarks that father had settled my marriage with you, that very moment you left me alone."

"Yes, it appeared from what you said that I was the man, but I was not certain. There might have been a mistake. Love gets easily frightened."

"Was that the reason you left me to my misery? Is that your idea of chivalry?"

"But don't you see, I intended to come back without delay. I wished only to speak to your father, and then Binoy Krishna would present himself before you as Chotu."

"No doubt, that would have been charmingly romantic, but had you no thought of the misery that I underwent in the meantime? So that was the extent of your love?"

He laughed and replied:

"And the extent of your love, my lady? You did not even recognise me, and yet I knew you the first minute I saw you."

"Oh, that is small wonder. The minute you came to the house you knew all about