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an out-and-out hypocrite. Anything about other people, and he makes a mountain out of a molehill."

I could conceal my indignation no longer.

"If a man is a hypocrite because he champions the cause of a helpless, forsaken girl, then what name is to be applied to one who betrays the girl who trusted him? Is he to be styled a man of honour?"

I felt my words to be very trenchant, and I regretted them when I saw the effect they had upon him. He kept silent for a while. When he spoke again it was with firmness.

"I have not betrayed her. On the contrary I should have done so if I had married her. I could never have loved her."

"Then, why this engagement?"

"There was no formal betrothal, but, but—there was a mistake. However, the fault was not mine. I had not thought it necessary to speak to you on this subject, but since you have heard of it, in part anyway, it is perhaps better I should tell you all."

Needless to say what he told me of the English girl made her appear as one who had sinned greatly against the existing