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I, after subscribing, priest, canon-regular, prior, curate of St. Sulpice, do certify the present extract to be agreeable to its original. Delivered at Chalons, this 21st of October 1750. (Signed,) DANSAIS, Prieur, Curé de St. Sulpice.

No. II

A LETTER wrote from Chalons in Champagne, of date the 9th of December 1731, by M. A M. N. on the subject of the Savage Girl, found in the neighbourhood of that town.——Published in the Mercury of France, for the month of December 1731.

PErsuaded, Sir, that the sole intention of your memoirs is to gratify the curiosity of the public, about every particular which may contribute either to its advantage or entertainment, I shall do myself the honour to answer your letter of the 2d of this month, with regard to the savage who has been found in the neighbourhood of Chalons, in which I shall acquaint you both with the accounts I have received from others on this subject, as well as with what I discovered from personal conversation with herself in my own house. And I shall begin with telling you, that as, by reason of her having hitherto had but little communication with the world; and of her knowing at presentonly