Page:An account of a voyage to establish a colony at Port Philip in Bass's Strait.djvu/220

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water is to be found; even by digging in the hollows several feet deep. After passing Cape Schank, the country im- mediately assumes a quite different ap- pearance; the soil changes to a stiff clay; the she-oak gives place to the blue gum, and two strong runs of water fall into the sea immediately under the Cape. Here we halted for the night, and following, the example of the native, erected a hut, and made a fire within a few feet of its entrance. This point we supposed to be twenty-five miles distant from the camp. At day-light we again commenced our march, guided by a pocket-compass; and keeping at the distance of between three and five miles from the sea at noon reached Western Port, about two miles from its entrance. From Cape Schank the coun-
