Page:An account of a voyage to establish a colony at Port Philip in Bass's Strait.djvu/260

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negligent of themselves, that severity is some. times necessary to prevent their becoming the most disgusting objects from vermin and dirt In passing through the warm latitudes in particular, the most rigid attention to cleanliness can alone prevent disease; the following precautions, if strictly followed, will, as far as it is in the power of man, prevent the admission of sickness, or effectually check its progress, in the most crowded ship. When the prison is on the orlop deck, where the air has but a scanty admission, it should never be wetted, the dirt should be scraped off every morning, and the deck afterwards scrubbed with bibles[1] and dry sand. Every part of the prison should be clean, so that no receptacle for bones or other filth could be found; and should it be necessary to stow any

  1. These are blocks of wood a foot long, and six inches deep and wide.
