Page:An account of a voyage to establish a colony at Port Philip in Bass's Strait.djvu/31

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and sea-elephants, to the islands in the Straits, to have a secure port in their vicinity, where the produce might be collected until ready for exportation: in the next place, this measure would prevent any rival nations from establishing themselves on this coast, who might become troublesome neighbours to our colony at Port Jackson, which must no longer be considered as a contemptible part of the British dominions; and to "which, the possession of Bass's Strait would give ps a less tedious and circuitous access. Port Philip[1], on the north shore of the Straits, which was

  1. Port Philip was discovered by Acting Lieutenant John Murray, in his Majesty's armed brig Lady Nelson, and by him named Port King; which was afterwards changed by Governor King to Port Philip, after Captain Arthur Philip, the first Governor of New South Wales.
