Page:An address to women (Goodwin).djvu/14

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a room with boys about me who did not pray, and who laughed at those who did,—I remember well how the thought of my dear mother was like a guardian angel over me, and how it kept me from much of the evil which some of my companions would fain have pressed upon me. My mother also taught me the Church Catechism; and I have a vivid recollection of the manner in which she made me bow my head at the name of Jesus Christ, when I repeated the Apostles' Creed. It is a good thing to be taught as a child to bow the head at that sacred name.

Again, she enforced upon me full and complete obedience. It was never enforced with a threat; there was no unkindness, nothing arbitrary in her commands; but I was never allowed to ask any reasons. I felt perfectly certain of the wisdom which dictated each command; I was always taught to obey, and I had no difficulty in yielding obedience.

Lastly, I was taught by her, by practice more than by words, to keep my temper. She taught me to keep my temper by always keeping her own. I have often thought what a blessed thing it is for a child to have a mother who keeps her temper. I have sometimes seen—I know there is a great deal to vex and trouble people who have the