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Sierra Leone, by Thomas Winterbottom. 2 vols. London, 1803.

N. F. Histoire et Description générale de la Nouvelle France, avec le journal historique d'un voyage fait par ordre du Roi dans l'Amérique Septentrionale. Par le P. de Charlevoix, de la Compagnie de Jésus 3 Vols. Paris, 1744.

N. M. E. A Narrative of Missionary Enterprises in the South Sea Islands, with remarks upon the natural history of the Islands, origin, languages, traditions, and usages of the inhabitants, by the Rev. John Williams. London. 1837.

N. S. W. An account of the English Colony in New South Wales, from its first settlement in January, 1788, to August, 1801, by Lieutenant-Colonel Collins, of the Royal Marines. London, 1804.

N. Y. Nineteen years in Polynesia: Missionary Life, Travels, and Researches in the Islands of the Pacific, by the Rev. George Turner. London, 1861.

N. Z. New Zealand and its Aborigines, by William Brown. London, 1845.

O-kee-pa. O-kee-pa: A Religious Ceremony; and other customs of the Mandans, by George Catlin. London, 1867.

O. P. The Speculations on Metaphysics, Polity, and Morality of "the Old Philosopher," Lau-tsze, translated from the Chinese, with an Introduction, by John Chalmers, A. M. London, 1868.

O. S. T. Original Sanskrit Texts on the origin and history of the people of India, their Religion and Institutions. Collected, translated, and illustrated by J. Muir, D.C.L., LL.D. Volume First. Mythical and Legendary Accounts of the Origin of Caste, with an inquiry into its existence in the Vedic age. 2d edition. London, 1868. Volume Second. Inquiry whether the Hindus are of Trans-Himalayan Origin, and akin to the Western branches of the Indo-European Race. 2d edition. London, 1871. Volume Third. The Vedas: opinions of their authors and of later Indian writers on their origin, inspiration, and authority. 2d edition. London, 1868. Volume Fourth. Comparison of the Vedic with the later representations of the principal Indian deities. 2d edition. London, 1873. Volume Fifth. Contributions to a Cosmogony, Mythology,, Religious Ideas, Life and Manners of the Indians in the Vedic age. London, 1870.

P. A. An Examination of the Pali Buddhistical Annals, by the Honorable George Turnour, of the Ceylon Civil Service. [From the Journal of the Asiatic Society for July 1837.]

P. A. B. Die Propheten des Alten Bundes, erklärt von Heinrich