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members of the family of metals? By what right then do you look down upon me? Do you not see that I am highly esteemed by the world as well as yourself? Come with me and be tried by fire, and you will see that I, too, have sterling qualities." To this Gold replied: "I know, brother Lead, that you are a metal equally with myself. For the same creator made us both, and we each remain as he made us. I wish you no harm. Keep the rights that are yours and go your way. But if you insist upon challenging me to the test of fire, come with me and we will prove ourselves, and it will be clearly shown what are your true qualities and your rightful victory." When the two metals entered together the fire, the Lead promptly melted and vanished. But the Gold was purified and came forth even brighter than before.

There are many men like the Lead, who are puffed up with empty pride, and believe that they have great qualities which they have not; but when put to the test they are reduced to nothing, as the Lead was when tried by fire.

(Nicholas Pergamenus, Dialogi Creaturarum, No. 19.)


THERE was once an excellent Key which opened and closed its Lock so smoothly that it was prized highly by its master. After a time, however, the ungrateful Lock tried to quarrel with the Key, saying: "You plague of my existence! Why are you continually molesting me, day and night, thrusting yourself upon me and wrenching me backward and forward? Cease this annoyance or I will twist you out of shape and cast you aside." The Key replied: "You speak foolishly, sister, since it is through me that you are guarded