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"When I behold this glorious show,
And the wide wat'ry world below,
The scaly people of the main,
The beasts that range the wood or plain,
The winged inhabitants of air,
The day, the night, the various year,
And know all these by Heaven designed
As gifts to pleasure human-kind:
I cannot raise my worth too high;
Of what vast consequence am I!"
"Not of th' importance you suppose,"
Replies a Flea upon his nose:
"Be humble, learn thyself to scan:
Know, pride was never made for Man.
'Tis vanity that swells thy mind.
What, Heaven and Earth for thee designed!
For thee! Made only for our need,
That more important Fleas might feed."


FRIENDSHIP, like love, is but a name,
Unless to one you stint the flame,
The child, whom many guardians share,
Hath seldom known a father's care.
'Tis thus in friendship; who depend
On many, rarely find a friend.

A hare, who in a civil way