Page:An elementary grammar of the Japanese language.djvu/108

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Japanese and English Exercises.

10. I went to the theatre yesterday. 11. Was that person sneered at by the people? 12. No, that person was not sneered at by the people. 13. How did you go to see the flower? 14. I went in a boat. 15. Who was beaten yesterday? 16. This dog was beaten yesterday. 17. Do you write a letter to-morrow? 18. I write a letter to-morrow. 19. Are (there) cherry-trees in the street? 20. Yes, there are cherry-trees in the street. 21. The flower of a cherry-tree is beautiful. 22. I do not go to see the flower, but my friend goes.


Miyemasu, can see.
Miru koto ga dekimasu,
Ikemasu, can go.
Iku koto ga dekimasu,
Yomemasu, can read.
Yomu koto ga dekimasu,
Kakemasu, can paint, or write.
Kaku koto ga dekimasu,
Mono, thing. Tada ima, just now.
Tōku, distance. Yozi, business.
Yenpo, Megane, spectacle.
Musi, insect. Saka duki, saké cup.

1. Konniti sibai ye anata wa ikemasu ka. 2. Hei, watakusi wa konniti sibai ye iku koto ga dekimasu. 3. Anata wa kono tisana musi wo miru koto ga deki-