Page:An elementary grammar of the Japanese language.djvu/112

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Japanese and English Exercises.

to a shoemaker? 4. I went to a shoemaker yesterday. 5. Could you see this small wing with a microscope? 6. Yes, I saw it with a microscope. 7. Why could you not go to see the flower yesterday? 8. I could not go to see the flower yesterday, because I had business (or there was business). 9. How did you go to Nagasaki? 10. I went in a ship. 11. At what time can you go to Yokohama to-day? 12. I can go to Yokohama directly. 13. Can you see this small work without a microscope? 14. No, I cannot see this small work without a microscope. 15. Have you seen the wing of a fly with a microscope? 16. Yes, I have seen (it). 17. Can you see the foot of a spider well without a microscope? 18, No, I cannot see (it) well. 19. When you were in Japan, did you go to Asakusa? 20. Yes, when I was in Japan, I went to Asakusa. 21. When you were in Japan, were you able to go to see the flower? 22. When I was in Tokio, I went in a boat to see the flower. 23. Was this small dog beaten by the people yesterday? 24. No, this small dog was not beaten.


Miyemasho, Will, or shall be able to see.
Miru koto ga dekimasho,
Miyemasumai, Will, or shall not be able to see.
Miru koto ga dekimasumai,