Page:An elementary grammar of the Japanese language.djvu/120

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Japanese and English Exercises.

read yesterday morning? 10. I read an amusing book yesterday morning. 11. Did you not see the beautiful flowers in Asakusa? 12. I saw the beautiful flowers in Okuyama. 13. What do you drink every day? 14. I drink tea every day. 15. Did you not drink saké last night? 16. I drank saké last night. 17. Did you dislike the garden of Asakusa? 18. I did not dislike it. 19. Did you make that beautiful cabinet (tedansu)? 20. Yes, I made that cabinet. Do you like (it)? 21. Yes, I like (it). 22. Have you not seen this picture yet (mada)? 23. No, I have not seen (it) yet. 24. What () do you think of that? 25. I think that good (yoi to).


Oide nasaru koto ga dekimasu, can go.
Oide nasaru koto ga dekimasen, cannot go.
Oide nasaru koto ga dekimasita, could go.
Oide nasaru koto ga dekimasenanda, could not go.
Teduma, conjuring. Katana, sword.
Tedumasi, conjurer. Karuwaza, acrobatic feats.
Odori, dancing. Karuwazasi, acrobat.
Wuta, song. Hebitukai, snake tamer.

In conversation, the relative pronoun is not used. For instance, Kore wa watakusi ga yomimasita shomotu de gozarimasu. This is the book I read.

to yuwu … called. For example, Sumi-