Page:An elementary grammar of the Japanese language.djvu/36

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Of Interjections.

An Interjection expresses some sudden wish or emotion of the mind; as, Ā do itashimasho, Ah! what shall I do?

The principal interjections are—Ō, Ā, Ha-hā, Ho-i, Nasakenai, Oya-oya, Are, Naruhodo, &c.


There are two kinds of sentences—simple and compound.

  1. A simple sentence; as, Kono hito wa kasikō gozarimasu, He is clever.
  2. A compound sentence; as, Kono hito wa kasikō gozarimasu keredomo hatarakimasen, He is clever, but he does not work.


I. A verb must be put after its object; as, Watakusi we hana wo konomimasu, I like flowers.

In this sentence the object hana is placed before the predicate konomimasu.

II. Prepositions are placed after nouns which they govern, and which are said to be in the objective case; as, Watakusi wa Yedo ye mairimasu, I go to Yedo.