Page:An elementary grammar of the Japanese language.djvu/59

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Japanese and English Exercises.


Iti, one. Zū sitti, seventeen.
Ni, two. Zū hatti, eighteen.
San, three. Zū ku, nineteen.
Si, four. Ni zū, twenty.
Go, five. Ni zū iti, twenty-one.
Roku, six. Ni zū ni, twenty-two.
Sitti, seven. San zū, thirty.
Hatti, eight. Si zū, forty.
Ku, nine. Go zū, fifty.
, ten. Roku zū, sixty.
Zū iti, eleven. Sitti zū, seventy.
Zū ni, twelve. Hatti zū, eighty.
Zū san, thirteen. Ku zū, ninety.
Zū si, fourteen. H’yaku, hundred.
Zū go, fifteen. Sen, thousand.
Zū roku, sixteen. Man, ten thousand.[1]
Hítotu, one. Muttu, six.
Futatu, two. Nanatu, seven.
Mittu, three. Yattu, eight.
Yottu, four. Kokonotu, nine.
Hutu, five. , ten.[2]
  1. This number is used for weight, measure, &c.
  2. This is for counting ordinary articles, such as chairs, tables, &c.