Page:An elementary grammar of the Japanese language.djvu/77

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Japanese and English Exercises.


Indicative, Mood. Present, negatively.
Masen, have not, or has not.

Watakusi wa or ga motteimasen, I have not.
Anata wa, you have not.
Kono or Sono okata wa, she or he has not.
Watakusi domo wa, we have not.
Anata gata wa, yuo have not.
Kono or Sono okata wa, they have not.
Toki ni or niwa, when, or at the time. Orimasu, live.
Kara, because. Orimasita, lived.
Nipon, Japan. Sakuzitu, yesterday.
Ni, in, or at. Ye, to.
Hanasimasu, speak or speaks. Kotoba, word, or language.

Anata wa Nipon ni orimasita tokini, (anata wa)[1] takusan kane wo motteimasita ka, or Nipon ni orimasita tokini, anata wa takusan kane wo motteimasita ka. Had you much money when you were in Japan?

Nipon ni orimasita kara, wutakusi wa Nipon kotoba wo hanasimasu. I speak Japanese because I lived in Japan.

1. Anata wa kane wo motteimasu ka. 2. Watakusi wa kane wo motteimasen. 3. Anatagata wa heya wo motteimasu ka. 4. Watakusi domo wa heya wo motteimasen.

  1. Here anata wa (you) is generally understood.